

What I've learned on IT

Or at least think I do. Be a generalist with a concentration , that’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever received from an instructor. He made it clear that IT can be a complex, confusing, and dynamic field. So far this is what I’ve figured out: Complex: You can never have too much knowledge. There is always a better way of doing things. Automation can;t solve every problem, nor can you rely on auto-configuration. Be ready to spend a considerable part of your time reading to save your self. Confusing: You will come across two types of people. 1: those who trust certifications to be a basic indicator and 2: those who deny they hold any value or even exist, no matter what you do their mindset can’t be changed. Dynamic and Static: For good or for bad different technologies may come your way and some stay longer than their useful lifespan. What I mean is that some technologies can be either helpful or disruptive. Whether you like it or not you may have to go back to the classroom in order to keep your self relevant. Looking back all I can say is ‘I am doing the right thing’.

— Sep 21, 2009